“Syrian brides” is not the first word combination that comes to mind when you think of mail order brides. The most popular countries for mail order brides are located in Asia and Eastern Europe, and we certainly can’t call Syria one of those countries. However, thousands of American men still want to meet Syrian women because these women are known to be shy, loving, caring, and strong at the same time. The girls from Syria are also very beautiful and they generally make good wives, so it’s not surprising that lots of men are interested in them. Of course, it’s almost impossible to meet a Syrian bride in Syria for an American man — it’s one of the most dangerous countries for a US citizen to visit. That’s when dating platforms come into play — but dating Syrian women is not that easy and it’s different from dating European or Asian brides for marriage. Here, we’ll tell you all you wanted to know about beautiful Syrian brides and about where to meet them. Let’s start!
The Best Dating Sites To Meet GEO Syrian Women

Why you’ll love Syrian brides: Top facts to know about them
Syrian brides differ from the girls you’ve seen in the United States. First of all, it’s about their geographical location — obviously, women from the Arabian peninsula are different from American women when it comes to values, gender roles, and traditions. Secondly, it’s about the history of this country — as you probably know, the Syrian civil war began in 2011 and has not come to its end yet. Of course, this affected modern Syrian women and their views and personalities, too. The third reason why these women are different is their traditional society and religion — although not all Syrian brides are Muslim, Islam is still the prevalent religion in this country, and obviously, it also influenced the way these girls (even if they are Christians or Alawites) see the world. Let’s talk about some interesting facts about beautiful Syrian brides!
- They are loving and caring. It’s a rough generalization, of course, but we can safely say that many Americans who have Syrian wives are very happy with how much their wives love and care about them — it’s one of the benefits of traditionalist and conservative Syrian society, with no doubts.
- They are very strong and stoic. Well, that’s obvious, too — Syria has been in a deep crisis during the last 9 years and Syrian women just had no choice. Tough situations build strong people, and Syrian women are probably the best illustration of this statement.
- Many of them are Christians. This is one of the most important differences between Syrian girls and, say, women from Yemen or Iran. It’s almost impossible for a non-Muslim to date or marry a Muslim woman, but it doesn’t mean you should stop thinking of dating a Syrian woman — 10% of the Syrian population are Christians and they see nothing wrong in dating or even marrying a Christian guy from another country.
- In general, they feel ok about dating an American man. Yes, many Syrians have quite negative feelings towards the United States, but when it comes to Syrian women for marriage, the situation is not that bad. Most women who are searching for a foreign husband understand that the USA is not the root of Syrian problems and they see nothing wrong in having a relationship with a man from America.
- They are just extremely beautiful. Visit any Syrian dating website and you’ll see what we’re talking about!
Where to find Syrian women for marriage?
When we’re talking about other countries, there is usually a choice — you can meet women online or you can go to these countries and try to approach the girls on the streets there. However, when it comes to Syria, there is only one way you can go — the way of Syrian mail order brides dating platforms. If you are dreaming of dating a Syrian mail order bride, there’s simply no other way for you — but the good news is that there are lots of cool dating websites for people like you. These platforms have thousands of Syrian women for marriage who are searching for a man from another country (including the US). Basically, you only need to choose any site and start chatting with women — most of those who are looking for a foreign husband can speak English quite well!